Freelancing & Digital Nomadding: Two talks by me

Freelancing & Digital Nomadding: Two talks by me

In February, I was pleased to be invited to give a talk with the title “Digital Nomadding in the Time of COVID” at the 2022 Laracon. You can watch the full talk below (and then hop around if you want to hear other people sharing great information about...

SXSW Highlights

In November of last year, I learned that a talk that a colleague and I had submitted to the SXSW conference had been accepted and we would be on the agenda for the March 2022 event. Our track was “2050” and our talk would be “Jedi Tech: A look back...
My Grace Hopper Celebration 2021 Experience

My Grace Hopper Celebration 2021 Experience

I attended the 2021 Grace Hopper Celebration, held September 27-October 1. Feeling lots of appreciation to the organizers of this year’s conference, and my fellow attendees who went out of their way to be resources for each other! Since the event was virtual...